Pukalo: Creating in the Coop
waving an exuberant hello from the geographical centre of North
America! I’ve lived all my life here in Manitoba, specifically in
Winnipeg. Visits to my Grandfather’s farm made me think a farmer
was a good helpmeet. I got my wish. Michael and I married soon after
leaving school and we have been married about 44 years and have 5
finally settled in Beausejour, which means a good place to stay. We
are on the edge of the prairies. There are poplar bushes and the
forest and smaller lakes are only an hour to the east. We’ve been
here about 40 years. My only claim to fame is that I am a ‘kept’
woman as I have stayed home as a full time homemaker. This is the
view from my sewing room window.

I am
very spoiled. I am totally impractical, excitable, and I’m always
dreaming up terrific projects and ideas. I’m a starter and my hubby
is a list making finisher. My only non-negotiable job is I must cut
the grass, since I had serious farm equipment tear up a good portion
of it when I was in landscape luv mode. (That was before I
discovered mixed media art.) I have now sufficiently leveled any
rocks higher than the cutting blade so I have been upgraded to
quasi-qualified driver of a riding lawn mower. As I rotate round and
round I plan endless projects for my long-suffering hubby. This
happens slowly because fast causes blue smoke emissions from my
primary job is to see that he never gets bored. Sometimes I think he
would like to try being bored but that isn’t happening any time
I have
reached the great age where understanding begins to reveal itself and
the creative part of me has tried expressing itself in my home and
then in the yard. It certainly wasn’t in my cooking. I think
Kraft dinner is wonderful, which is why my hubby began to thumb
through recipe books. But table settings, cozy-seating arrangements,
long weekend makeovers with paint and wallpaper, ah! The kids never
knew where or with whom they’d be sleeping and my dearie’s shins
are no longer smooth and flawless. It was only a matter of time
before I discovered I could actually make bed quilts, pillows, table
runners, and wall hangings. Aaahhhaaa!
I began
traditionally. This would have been about 1985.

learned I’m not very traditional and I began to resist borders. I
also like square. This was towards the end of my country themed
decorating period. I still like this quilt; no florals. I was also
moving away from safe and coordinated colour formulas. Colour is
probably my favourite aspect of art.
wedding quilt provided me with the opportunity to move more towards
more modern quilts. I loved the endless options for design.
discovered the World Wide Web in the late nineties and blogging in
the summer of 2009. I can’t say enough good things about the
Internet connections I’ve made. I am a changed woman. I blog
because I like to write and I never thought of it as more than a kind
of diary. Who knew anybody would actually want to read my ramblings.
But it has served a much bigger purpose. It helped me identify who I
am, what I want to do, gave me resources for learning and making, and
made me actually try and finish projects. I like to share my
process. I see it as paying forward all the things that I myself
have learned from generous bloggers.
I joined
a group from 3 Creative Studios who were challenged to make something
that showed the word ‘puzzle’. This was due early 2010. I had
rusted some fabric and I ‘saw’ in the fabric my vision of puzzle.
I gnashed my teeth a lot, blogged
a bit about it, and then met my commitment. It was all me; no copy,
no adapting someone else’s idea. Dare I say original? I was very
happy with it as it showed me that I was moving ahead in my art.
I was so
thrilled that I just took off running, empowered to tackle a dozen
different ideas.
I spread
my worktable with every conceivable piece of eye candy that appealed.
I became a Jane of all trades but master of none. I luv books; I
want to read, make, alter and journal in them. I want to splash
colour all around and dye my own fabric. I want to layer images on
paper and fabric. I want to use my sewing machine, my Nina, to
explore all her functions and abilities. I want to dip my hands in
beads, to embellish and to make jewelry. I want to take better
photos and learn digital techniques. But most of all, I want to
express myself creatively and well, in my home, my hobbies, my
clothing, and my relationships.
As the
chicks left home I had moved from tabletop to bedroom. When I
realized I sewed more than we slept I shoehorned the Rooster and I
into a smaller bedroom and spread my sewing stuff in the larger
space. As long as I didn’t mess with the kitchen the Rooster
didn’t care. ;^) At first I made it all pretty with funky birds
and teacups. I felt the word 'studio' was a bit presumptuous so I
called it my playroom, The Coop and Saucer Playroom, in fact. But I
learned that too much visual stimulation is not the best for me so I
simplified my décor and things worked great until I began dyeing,
painting, gluing, stamping. I am so messy.
We are
simplifying on the farm as well. So the front half of the big barn
is available. After a knock down drag’em out kind of coffee break
we came to an amicable solution. The Rooster gets the smaller SE
corner for a summer kitchen and I get the larger NE corner for a
workroom. That’s fair; he gets the whole darn top and the back
half after all! I already have a name- The Wonderland workroom. This
will be for all the big, wet, and messy projects. I’m already
signed up for Wednesday afternoon workshops. How is that for an
incentive to finish!
I have
no problem with the word 'creative', as I believe we are creative
beings, just like our Creator. But the word artist implies mastery
of one’s chosen craft. There I have a lack. Now it also says it
is one who practices their craft and I’m doing that for sure.
But I am
now a wiser woman. I’m learning. My appetites are far bigger than
I can actually bite into. I’m learning the wisdom of a healthy
artistic diet. Bloggers often pick a word for the year. I’ve
learned to Focus and not continue my scattered pecking all over the
place. I’m learning to find my style, my best ways of working; my
most favourite things to fiddle with and then to fine tune them, and
gain the mastery of them. Then I want to Finish what I start. I’m
a Triple F kind of gal. Focus Fiddle Finish is my mantra.
year I’ve learned that it is in the samples, the experiments, the
trials, even the mistakes, and the sheer body of work that the
budding artist finally has the aha! Moment, when the process and the
idea comes together. The creative click, so to speak. I’ve found
this to be true with the journal pages. I now understand loosing
track of time to make one more page! The joy of creative expression!
I’ve stayed in the process of making kid’s key chains, building
skills and progressing up to making some adult jewelry. Now I’m
anticipating that kind of consistent growth as I push the boundaries
of my fibre art.
I want
to learn how to be an artist, proficient in my chosen crafts. I want
to encourage and share what I learn with others. I have done some
teaching in a quilt store, for quilt groups and retreats. I enjoy
that. I have also worked one on one with young girls who have no
background in sewing or other crafts. I would like to continue that
and I see the bigger workroom becoming an integral part of that. My
biggest goal is to continue to get up each morning, anticipating a
blank white piece of fabric, page or canvas, and making a mark that
positively affects my family, my friends and myself. And when anyone
steps through my door I’m anticipating friendship. I want to share
the wonder of it all!
drop in. You can find me over at elle
in da coop.