Hello everyone, and welcome back to this week's work in progress linkup party! I'm still new here but I'm hoping this week will go smoother for me on the technical side.
NEW THIS WEEK: the link up now runs on Pacific time (UTC-7)
On the sewing side, I didn't do much this past week but I hope you did! I would love to see what you're working on right now. Doesn't have to be finished or fancy but please share so we can support each other.
And if you are joining us now for the first time or for the first time in a long time, I'm Nicole, I'm the new host of the Needle and Thread Network and I'm glad you're here.
Please include our button or the URL (http://needleandthreadnetwork.blogspot.ca/) into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective.
Thanks for linking up, and see you next week. Happy stitching!
This linkup is for Canadian textile/fabric/fibre artists who blog about what they are working on. Posts are accepted between noon Tuesday and noon Thursday (Pacific time). When you add your post, upload the image you want to have displayed on the linkup page, and type your nameand location where your browser auto-fills the name of your post. Please visit and comment on other people's posts.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.