TN&TN collective member.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Feature Friday: Erin Suliak @sulicat_north

Name and location?
Erin Suliak, Yellowknife NWT, where I was born and returned to after grad school.

blog name/IG details?

What type of fibre art do you make/practice?
I currently primarily make modern quilts, but I enjoy a variety of techniques and fibres. I love dyeing fabric, yarn and fleece with both natural and synthetic dyes. I spin, knit, felt, stitch and make 3D work too.

How did you start doing this art? 
I made my first mini quilt as a kid in elementary school but started making quilts nearly 20 years ago. I was inspired by a library copy of Jean Ray Laurie’s 1970 book ‘Quilts & coverlets, a contemporary approach.’ I recognized one of the projects that my aunt must have used ages ago to make a treasured family quilt, and was electrified by all of the techniques, the featured artists, and Ms. Laurie’s precise and encouraging tone. Good craft writing is eternal!

Frolic, 2017. Cotton fabrics (including thrifted and hand dyed), machine quilted 
What inspires your fibre art?
I’m inspired by process, temporality, and exploring craft history and practices. I enjoy using thrifted and repurposed materials, and am always drawn to texture and colour!

Matin, 2017. Cotton fabrics (including thrifted and hand dyed), hand quilted with cotton, silk and metallic threads.
Current project?
I have a lot of projects underway all the time. Currently I’m working to finish quilting some pieces so that I have more space to bring others forward onto my design boards. I have a black/dark grey linen quilt that I am eager to work on piecing again now that the sun is back (I started it in the depths of the northern winter and had to stop to save my eyes and my sanity!)

Nine Patch Plaid, 2017. Cotton fabrics (including thrifted and hand dyed), machine quilted 

Thoughts about the difference between art vs craft? 
The only true differences between art and craft are formed from these combined factors: skill, thoughtfulness, and gendered notions of value.

Plaid Tapes, 2016. Cotton fabrics (including thrifted), machine quilted.
Awards or recognition?
My fibre art work is part of the Yellowknife Heritage Committee municipal art collection, the INAC ‘Artists on Site’ collection, has been supported by the NWT Arts Council, and has been juried in to the Modern Quilt Guild QuiltCon show. My work and writing has also been featured in the journal Curated Quilts.

How did you choose your blog name?
Sulicat is an internet handle I’ve been using for ages.

And your online presence again:

Thank you Erin for introducing yourself! And remember, give us a shout if YOU want to profiled as well. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

WIP Wednesday #337 @TN&TN

It's that time of the week again, please share with us!

Other things to look forward to: Quilt Canada opens in Vancouver in just one more month. Yes, I'm a titch excited. 

ALSO! On Friday come back here as we have a profile of Erin Suliak, of Yellowknife, NWT. Erin is a self professed "fibre obsessed northern dork" and we are looking forward to introducing her to all of you. 

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).


Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

This linkup is for Canadian textile/fabric/fibre artists who blog about what they are working on. Posts are accepted between noon Tuesday and noon Thursday (Pacific time). When you add your post, upload the image you want to have displayed on the linkup page, and type your name and location as the name of your post. Please visit and leave a comment on other people's posts.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.