TN&TN collective member.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

WIP Wednesday #380 @TN&TN

Somehow lots of sewing things have happened recently: I finished a mini quilt for a swap, I'm going to quilt a quilt for someone (for money!!), and my youngest has enjoyed doing some embroidery she started through a project with the Brownies!

What's going on with you?

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

This linkup is for Canadian textile/fabric/fibre artists who blog about what they are working on. Posts are accepted between noon Tuesday and noon Thursday (Pacific time). When you add your post, upload the image you want to have displayed on the linkup page, and type your name and location as the name of your post. Please visit and leave a comment on other people's posts.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.