TN&TN collective member.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

WIP Wednesday #424 @TN&TN

Happy New Year my friends! I wish you all the best for the year ahead. May your fabric never bleed and your thread never tangle. I hope you find inspiration and productivity with all you undertake. 

Thank you for being here with me this year. 

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

WIP Wednesday #423 @TN&TN

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

WIP Wednesday #422 @TN&TN

Last week of school for the kiddos, and excitement for the various winter celebrations is building. I personally love seeing the rapid change in light as we draw closer to the Solstice. 

It's also time to finish up projects if you're giving those as gifts!

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

WIP Wednesday #421 @TN&TN

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

WIP Wednesday #420 @TN&TN

I spent five hours on Sunday working on a group quilt. It is so much fun doing that with friends!

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

WIP Wednesday #419 @TN&TN

Holiday season is nigh and the pace picks up. This week I bought flannel for the xmas jams I make my kids, and that's about it for my holiday sewing. What about you?

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

WIP Wednesday #418 @TN&TN

Hip hip hooray, school's back for my kids! It was a long three and a half weeks for everyone involved. My house is very quiet now so I will fill it with the sounds of the sewing machine. 

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

WIP Wednesday #417 @TN&TN

I spent my weekend finishing a project for my sister in law – relining her winter coat. (Must sew faster, winter is coming!) I like that I can use my sewing skills and do things like this. Back to quilting now!

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

WIP Wednesday #416 @TN&TN

Happy November peeps! It's been an odd week for me - schools are closed due to a strike and the time change too! I'm finding solace in my sewing right now, piecing battings so I can quilt a few small quilts. How about you?

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

WIP Wednesday #415 @TN&TN

My life right now is all Hallowe'en costumes and a baby quilt. How about you? 

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific) until noon Thursday (Pacific).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

WIP Wednesday #414 @TN&TN

Sewing these days for me is all Hallowe'en costumes for my kids. And a baby quilt for a week old baby! 

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

WIP Wednesday #413 @TN&TN

Happy belated long weekend folks! Hope everyone got some tasty food this weekend and of course, lots of time for sewing!

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

WIP Wednesday #412 @TN&TN

It's mid-week again already! Last week we had only a couple of link ups but we've got room for lots. Tell your friend to join in!

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

WIP Wednesday #411 @TN&TN

I finally finished my quilt top (it's been a slow process) AND a backing to boot. Looking forward to quilting this one.

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

WIP Wednesday #410 @TN&TN

Happy second day of fall, friends! We had a rainy start to our fall in Victoria which is perfect for staying home and sewing! (Any excuse really....)

If you are Canadian, please share what you're working on this week...we would love to see it. The link-up is open from noon Tuesday (Pacific time) until noon Thursday (Pacific time).

Do you know that you don't have to have a blog to link up? You can use a picture from your Flickr or Instagram accounts. There's a how-to at each of the links above. Edited to add: your Instagram account has to be public for others to see your work! Thanks Kate for flagging that for us.

Please include our button or the URL ( into YOUR post so we can continue spreading the word about our artists' collective. 

Thanks for linking up, and have a great week!